5 ways to spring clean your skin

5 ways to spring clean your skin

Sep 26, 2022Suzanne Smedley

Spring has officially sprung here in Australia and that means it’s time to spring clean (and nourish) your skin. The change in seasons can have a greater impact on your skin than you may realise! Following Winter and as the weather slowly starts to warm up you may find your skin starting to change. Some spring side effects you may experience include:

Irritation or rashes - Spring means flowers and flowers mean a lot of pollen is in the air and sometimes this can lead to allergies, itchy eyes and skin! This can appear through skin conditions such as histamine bumps, inflammation or Dermatitis.

Breakouts - As it warms up you may find yourself sweating more. This combined with more humidity in the air can increase your chances of oil production & breakouts. Especially if the quality of your skin’s oils are not the greatest quality.

Dry skin - Thanks to the icy winds, low humidity & cold temperature from Winter you may still find your skin is dry and lacking some serious moisture. 

Dull complexion - Another left over from the colder months can be a complexion that is dull with no glow at all. This happens because blood is commonly drawn away from the surface of our skin to keep and inner more vital components heated! Which is why movement & massage is key to bring life back into your skin.

If any of these skin problems sound less than appealing to you or if you’re experiencing any of them then don’t worry, we have outlined 5 ways you can spring clean your skin to achieve that glowing nourished complexion you are after. 

1. Enzyme Peeling

If you have dry skin that is longing for some healthy exfoliation then it might be time to do an enzyme peel. Enzyme peels work to gently remove rough textured surface cells without over exfoliating the skin. These powerful peels include a selection of active ingredients that can help to cleanse toxic build up and digest dead skin cells. Enzyme peels are safe to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding women and are a lot more gentle than other peels such as chemical exfoliants.. 

The Bare Roots Enzyme peel is a creamy clay based exfoliant that is fortified with plant enzymes and bamboo. This blend is rich in silica, minerals, anti-inflammatories and natural lipids to help heal the skin. 

Currently a part of our Spring BLOOM BUNDLE 

2. Nature 

Get into nature! Now the sun is shining, it’s time to get outside and let your skin breathe in the fresh air and pop your bare feet in the earth. Just 15 minutes a day can do wonders for your mental health and wellbeing! Just remember to always wear your sunscreen especially as the UV radiation starts to rise in spring. 

3. Microneedling Roller

It’s time to get rolling and consider using a microneedle face roller. Microneedle rollers help to naturally turn over the skin and boost collagen and elastin in the skin. They have a variety of benefits including minimising breakouts, improving the appearance of your skin texture, reducing the appearance of sun damage and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. If you’re looking for a quality roller The Bare Roots 0.3mm microneedling facial roller is made from 540 medical grade titanium needles which allows you to  improve your skin's health confidently at home. 

4. Spring clean from the inside 

Spring clean from the inside out! Not only is it important to take care of our skin on the outside, it is vital that we eat foods that are going to nourish our body and skin from the inside. Some of the best skin loving foods include: 

  • Fatty fish: Fatty fish are full of omega 3 fatty acids which have been found to help with keeping skin moisturised and supple and can even help with inflammation and acne. 
  • Avocado: Avocado is made up of healthy fats that can help your skin keep flexible and moisturised. 
  • Kale & Spinach Greens: High in carotenoids, dark leafy greens can help fight free-radical damage. They can also help slow the breakdown of collagen & elastin.
  • Lemon: Assisting in the breakdown of dead skin cells, lemon is also high in Vitamin C. Both of these things help your skin glow!
  • Broccoli: Broccoli is packed with vitamins and minerals that are great for your skin including zinc, vitamin C and vitamin A. 
  • Water: We all know water is good for us and our skin but did you know drinking water has been found to help your skin in a variety of ways such as improving skin elasticity, boosting glow, helping with skin conditions such as eczema and more!

5. Face Mask 

Spring is the perfect time to relax and treat your skin to a replenishing face mask. The Bare Roots Microflora and algae restorative peel off mask combines the skin benefits of yoghurt with the prebiotic activity of inulin, a vegetable fructose polysaccharide derived from chicory. This assists to restore microbial balance in the skin along with binding moisture and boosting skin’s metabolism. 

Some skin loving ingredients in this mask include: 

  • Inulin: Found in the roots of plants. It is known for it’s prebiotic activity by reducing the growth of bad bacteria in favour of healthy bacteria naturally present on the skin
  • Marshmallow Root Extract: An anti-irritant for even the most hypersensitive skins. Provides relief from itching, swelling and inflammation whilst rejuvenating the skin naturally. Suitable for delicate eye area.
  • Yoghurt Powder: Acts similarly to milk as it soothes and softens the skin. Naturally occurring lactic acid to gently exfoliate and moisturise the skin. Rich in Vitamin B12 & B2 for skin brightening & healthy cell growth.
  • Rosella Flower Extract: Also known as Hibiscus, this wonder flower has natural botox properties due to its high levels of Vitamin C, making the skin feel tighter, firmer and more youthful.

So if you’re wanting to start fresh this spring and rejuvenate your skin with some of the best active ingredients that nature has to offer then it’s time to shop our BLOOM BUNDLE. 

This bloom bundle includes both the Bamboo Enzyme Peel and the Microflora & Algae Mask mentioned in this article which makes it easy for you to achieve salon quality results at home this spring. 

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